Fact-Checkers Debunk Rumors of Bill Gates’ Ties to Maggot Milk

(FeaturedHeadlines.com) Billionaire businessman and philanthropist Bill Gates was rumored to have been involved in the development of an alternative milk product made from maggots. However, the viral claim of Gates’ ties to the drink were debunked, although the product itself is very real.

The rumor circulated across social media, eventually grabbing the attention of internet fact-checkers. The researchers found that even though the maggot-derived “milk” product was legitimate, Gates’ alleged connection to the drink was not.

The drink, known as EntoMilk, was developed by a South African company years ago. The dairy alternative is made using blended fly larvae and was only ever released in South Africa.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation confirmed that they have no ties to the product. Regardless, the rumor spread on multiple outlets, leading unassuming readers to link Gates to the old project.

The rumor may have gained traction due to Gates’ other food-related environmental endeavors, including investments in lab-grown meats. Gates has claimed that cattle are a significant cause of climate change.

Rumors of Gates’ connection to maggot milk are untrue, but his accumulation of farmland is undeniable. Gates has purchased hundreds of thousands of acres of agricultural land in the United States, as well water resources. Such purchases have raised questions about his intent, as well as the impact on small farmers seeking to find land for their operations.

Gates has also allegedly worked to restrict the use of traditional fertilizers, but only after securing intellectual property rights on alternative fertilizers. Author Peter Schweizer posits that elites like Gates use intellectual property rights like trademarks, patents, and copyrights to control food production and other industries of interest.

Even though Gates can deny involvement with maggot milk, his connection to other eyebrow-raising activities are less dubious. Nevertheless, the story highlights the importance of self-verifying claims on the internet, so as to discern fact from fiction in a world of increasingly common fake news stories.

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