Bill Barr Declares He Will Vote For Trump And Biden Is Huge Threat To Democracy

( Former US Attorney General Bill Barr, who previously criticized Donald Trump and even resigned from his administration, announced to vote for Trump in this year’s presidential election. He claimed that the Democratic party has been hijacked by the progressive faction, and another term for Joe Biden would result in a “national suicide.”

Last year, Barr told NBC that he opposes Trump’s nomination as the Republican candidate and won’t endorse him even if he wins the primaries.

However, speaking to FOX News Neil Cavuto this time, Barr suggested that President Biden is a bigger threat to democracy than Trump.

Since Barr resigned as an attorney general back in December 2020, he has traded insults with the former president multiple times. Trump called Barr a weak and frightened person who couldn’t do his job, while Barr lashed out at the former president for his lack of discipline and inability to implement his own policies.

Barr told Cavuto that he agreed with Trump’s policies, and this was the reason he served in his administration. However, Barr continued, he was bothered by Trump’s behavior, especially after the 2020 presidential elections.

During his House January 6 Committee testimony, Barr revealed he told the former president that his voter fraud claims were “‘bull****” and only added chaos to the political environment.

Now, Barr believes that Trump is still the better of the two choices Americans have in this year’s elections. He claimed that the modern-day Democratic party has totalitarian tendencies propagated by the far-left faction of the party that wants to curb free speech and cancel everyone who does not agree with them.

Although Barr long opposed Trump’s nomination, he recently disclosed his eventual support for the Republican candidate in the presidential race. He followed the path of the Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who also created his differences with Trump in the aftermath of January 6 chaos, but still ended up supporting his ticket against Biden.

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